Monday, 1 July 2013

Research (design skills, image composition theory) - Shot Design on Feng Zhu Design Cinema

FZD Video - Shot Setup


Feng took an initially quite stiff and badly composed shot and developed it into a much more dramatic and well composed (in terms of leading the eye) way.

Feng's paintover to show compositional flow:

Feng's notes:
  • Large masses added to either side of the image to stop the eye from wandering out
  • Slopes, gun angles, etc, draw the eye down into the lower center of the image
  • Figures in lower image are looking up towards the mech, so they lead the eye up into this focal point
  • Figure standing at far left is looking at the camera, which stops the eye. Sounds like if the eye is moving UP the left hand slope, this figure will stop the eye and then the form of his weapon will point us back down into the image.
  • bottom middle guy looking up is a key part in drawing the eye up to the mech.

Note: what is to stop the eye from going up and out the top of the image on the right side?

Added some light to background in the path of the mech to imply 'activity' in that area and to show motion and intent of the mech in going there. Created a right-heavy comp, implied speed, etc. So the left side became 'not as strong'. Added some light op left corner to balance.


Used some iconic building shapes to help push a story. The capitol building (similar in form to the building in Washington as well as St Pauls in London) gives a sense that they're fighting not in just a boring ruined city filled with skyscrapers but somewhere with an aesthetic. A level of class and valuable cultural structures. Also shows importance of location - proximity to the hub of leadership.

Feng referenced WWII images and footage.

Small independent storytelling moments and opportunities for the viewer to make their own imaginative leaps

Final Details:

Adding highlights to really push some select areas into near-white,
Adding debris in the air, etc, just to bring an appropriate amount of life to the battlefield

Final Image Critique:

  • Mech is a bit flat in terms of shading - underside/rear pretty much same tone as front.
  • Highlights on front of mech a bit too soft and undefined
  • Perspective on underside of mech and position of left/far leg incorrect

Personal Rework:

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