Shorthand key:
AM = Ankh Morpork, initial location of story, based on Western Europe
K = Klatch, foreign nation at war with Ankh Morpork, based on what culture(s)?
- The Watch - Vimes, Carrot, Angua, Nobby, Colon, Detritus, Reg, Cheery, Downspout
- Vimes' House - Lady Sybil, Willikins
- Ankh Morpork Higher Ups - Vetinari, Rust, Ridcully, assorted Guild leaders
- Ankh Morpork citizens - Ossie, Snowy Slopes, Gorriff Family
- Klatchians - 71 Hour Ahmed, Prince
- Leonard Da Quirm
- Disorganiser
- Scats and Mohocks
- Death
- Ankh Morpork streets (general cultural aesthetic)
- Al Khali streets (general cultural aesthetic)
- Leshp sunken island (exteriors)
- Solid Jackson's boat
- Ankh Morpork Docks (neighbourhood)
- Ankh Morpork Shades (neighbourhood)
- Opera House (int, ext, roof)
- Procession route (neighbourhood)
- Pseudopolis Yard Watchhouse (exterior, Vimes' office, main room, cells)
- Patrician's Palace (exterior, Oblong Office, hallway)
- Unseen University General [expand]
- Mundane Meals, Gorrif's Shop (exterior, interior)
- Klatchian Embassy (exterior, interior, very on fire)
- Leonard's Room for Making Things In (outer hall, interior)
- The Barbican Building (ext, int)
- Ossie's Room at Mrs Spent's Boarding House (a?) (ext, int)
- Snowy Slope's Room on Money Trap Lane above (?) the sweetshop (ext, int, neighbourhood)
- Sator Square for Soapboxes (ext)
- The Boat (ext, int)
- Vimes' Ship (ext, int)
- Ahmed's Ship (ext, Ahmed's room, Prince's room)
- Al Khali [expand]
- Prince Cadram's Palace (ext, int)
- Detritus's Big-ass Crossbow
- Detritus's Fan-Cooled Helmet (clockwork)
- Flying carpets
- Messenger Pigeons and cage/box
- Camels
- Donkey
- Sand tables (AM and Klatchian)
- Watch armours
- Military colours/armours
- Vetinari's peace-treaty tube that is misleadingly suggested to be a bomb or weapon
- Vimes' ceremonial baton
- Leonard's Rocket Launcher
- Leonard's version of Scrabble
- Klatchian Telescope
- Agatean Iconograph
- The Opera House Thing
- St Ungulants Fire
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