Thursday, 1 August 2013

Project Planning - Developing Ankh Morpork, first design plan

There are a number of ways I could go about developing the general aesthetic of the city of Ankh Morpork.

I could begin by designing

  1. Citizens
  2. Residential homes
  3. Wide shots of full streets
  4. Very wide shots of the cityscape
  5. In-universe tourism advertisements
  6. etc
I've chosen to begin with the Pseudopolis Yard Watch House, a location that features prominently in the plot. Residential building that's been converted into a police station.

Pros of this choice:

  1. allows me more time to develop my figure drawing skills before designing characters
  2. allows me to focus on a specific design and actively contribute to a key location to the project instead of drawing anonymous and inconsequential buildings,
  3. allows me to define a general aesthetic for Ankh Morpork that can then be extracted and applied to future designs - altering it for more upmarket or downmarket locations and for different establishment purposes
Proposed plan for developing this building:

Look at:
Existing descriptions of Pseudopolis Yard
Existing artwork of Pseudopolis Yard
Existing sci fi-fantasy mashup designs

Collect descriptions in a list.
Create mood boards of 3 different styles, using other artists' work, real world photos, etc
Pick one to continue on with.

Then - start designing

Return to this plan afterwards and note things that should be changed, etc.

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