Found a short video series on youtube.
This video talks about the picture plane and how we can view it as an imaginary glass sheet that sits perpendicular to us, between us and the image we are drawing. We then draw onto the glass sheet and a 2D illusory representation of the 3D world beyond is captured.
Doesn't really explain the idea of the 'cone of vision' all that well.
If two objects fill the same angle within the cone of vision regardless of distance from the viewer, they will appear to be the same height.
Seeing the cone of vision as made up of planar 'optical triangles' that can measure edges by seeing the angle they fill within the cone of vision. Anything that extends outside of the max angle of the cone of vision is not seen.
More resources for study:
- A blog by Russel Light, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield School of Architecture
- 'Elements of Perspective'
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